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“Look maybe we should just go back-“ I stepped over the edge of a dramatic steepness in the path. Lily reached for me, but missed. Suddenly the scene was more open as I rolled and Lily followed. “Dammit,” I said, finally getting a grip on the path.
My vision pointed at the height of the overgrown trees, and I found my voice and my anger silenced. Stretching for what seemed like forever was a terrain of dense trees and boulders, lush with stray streams and vegetation. For once, I was removed from the situation I was anxious about and on my own nature, I was able to enjoy the beauty in front of me. I almost wanted to cry.
Lily caught up to me.
“Andrew! Are you ok?” She worried.
I was quiet at first, as my nerves were at rest. I didn’t answer her question.
“I had no idea this is what you meant, but you were right, it’s beautiful,” I said, rolling comfortably to my back.
Lily smiled, and her ears perked. She looked bellow.
“Look bellow and you’ll understand exactly what I meant,” She said.
My eye’s slowly traced down to the bottom of the slope, where I could hear loud footsteps. I saw a guardian over the barely living tumor of a monster.
“Is that decay?” I asked.
“Yeah, sometimes it escapes the infected woods,” She said “But watch.”
I looked at the gaping mouth of the decay. It was stalky, and once rooted to the ground. I focused on the guardian as it kept it alive, then backed away.
“I thought you said that the guardians will kill anything even associated with shaddow or decay,” I said.
“It’s highly atypical, which means something amazing could happen.”
Suddenly, the crashing footsteps got louder, and a cast shadow blocked the light. Slowly, a massive elemental stepped into the non-shaded light. I dropped my jaw in awe, as it dwarfed its own guardian. The goliath stood on two bulky legs with a chord of tendons. It’s face was covered by drooping leaves sprouting from its vines. The beast stopped a moment, then observed the dying decay. The elemental bowed, and two massive vines shot from under its face to non-lethally penetrate the decay. It then gently lifted the body and turned to walk into the distance.
“They’re headed to the infected woods. Those two are going to let that decay live,” Lily said calmly.
“But you told me that shaddow and decay were the most harmful things to the forest,” I questioned.
“That’s what makes this so strange. That pair is sympathetic of such a thing.”
I didn’t fully understand, and then realized, that my inability to was sad. Sympathy and caring existed in my world, and though scarce, I had just seen it represented here. If I had not fallen and had chosen to go back, I would have not seen this.
-The Agris Terra chapter 4-

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