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Hand Embroidery on Fabric
11" x 14"

Views: 37

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Comment by Resident Curator on November 30, 2023 at 11:05am

Curator’s Comments:

This piece really made me laugh.  Coming up in a random search of past works on the site, What the F**k made my day.  I found the intense and profane expression joyously unexpected in combination with the painstaking process of hand embroidery. The meticulous crafting of the portrait in full color demonstrates full chiaroscuro in contemporary light. The white aura around the figure’s head also functions as a type of visual noise, amplifying the screaming face. The choice of presenting the fiber work in an oval Victorian frame is particularly ironic, and the confines of the decorative mat serve to restrain the forceful emotion. I should have recognized your expert work in the medium, having discovered your work on the site many years ago. I commented on some of your achromatic works in thread that riffed on social media with conspicuously stitched thumbs up icons within wide borders.  This piece, made back in 2012, appears fresh and pertinent to the social angst of the day. I do hope you’re still making versions of these works that subvert feminine craft and collective expectations, and that you will consider sharing them on the site if you’re able. 

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