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9"x12" Mixed-media on paper

Views: 32


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Comment by Resident Curator on February 6, 2024 at 12:11pm

Curator’s Comment:

I find myself drifting back to No. 19 in your White Series.  The subtle shifts of low saturation color and subtle values are emblematic of the other collages in the series, but this piece in particular plays with spatial illusion with the cast shadows under the floating square textiles.  The white paint scumbled over the top of the squares reveals this surface to possibly be a photographic illusion of space.  I imagine simulated and actual texture both play key roles in the overall design.  I also enjoy the crossing grids over gridded horizonal lines in the underlayer of the piece.  There is a haptic and expressive sensibility that counters the stringency of the thin, repeating white bands. This sway between these structures and aesthetic softness is appealing.  Considering these mixed media works were shared years ago, and I do hope you consider adding more work to the site.

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