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Sandi Carpenter
  • Carlsbad, CA
  • United States
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Sandi Carpenter's Friends

  • Maurice Bruce Hutchinson
  • Marty Coleman
  • Slone Fries
  • A2a Editor

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At 8:19pm on August 5, 2009, Maurice Bruce Hutchinson said…
Hi Sandi,
Thanks again for the kind words, I only wish gallery owners and the like had the appreciation you do with regard to digital art. As far as inspiriation goes, I'm inspired by other artists such as yourself--seeing their work and receiving positive feedback from them about my work motivates me. They give me the push I sometimes need to actually physically create what I visualize in my mind. What I create is very much influenced by my Asian experiences as well by my own sense of spirituality. Most important though, I believe God gave me this particular talent for a reason so I try in my own artistic way to voice it. Like all of us, I think we individually feel the need to express ourselves in one way or another. For me, I think my art is the best way I can do this because as a form of self-expression, it beats my singing, dancing, saxophone playing or writing hands down : )
At 12:53pm on August 5, 2009, Sandi Carpenter said…
I would love to see your work on one of my trips out there. I have "dabbled" in digital art (my daughter is a graphic designer) taught only to me by my daughter and while I find it intriguing and have done a few CD covers for artists, I would in no way call myself a graphic designer. I have such incredible respect for what you do and now that I go back and look at after reading your email, well, you are simply amazing. I am not at all an abstract artist, as you can see. What inspires you?
At 3:53pm on August 3, 2009, Maurice Bruce Hutchinson said…
Hi Sandi,
Thanks for the compliments on my work. My work starts off as a pencil sketch or drawing and then I digitize it and put it on my computer. The digitized work serves as template or bottom layer upon which I digitally paint and build various elements. The work is finally complete after it is printed on canvas or archival quality art papers. I mostly do abstract work although my two most recent works, "Eastern Memory No.1" and "A Special Place" are more representational. I usually like to work in a large format (30 x 36) but can scale the prints to just about any size. I think my work tends to have an Asian vibe to it probably because I've lived in various Asian countries for a good number of years.
I think you and your husband will really enjoy living in Hawaii. There are plenty of opportunities for you to exhibit your work and I can think of a number of galleries which would be interested in carrying your work as well. I mostly exhibit my work through jurried exhibitions/shows, but I haven't had much luck with getting into galleries (which have a tendency to lean toward "Hawaiiana", and all are pretty much anti-digital). As you know, this isn't a very god time for artists/art because of the economic crunch. Hawaii is especially susceptible because its well-being is particularly tied to the tourism and service industries. In turn, this has impacted the art community. Still, I have several artist friends who are doing quite well. At any rate, I'm glad you like my work and again, I think your work is just wonderful : ) Take care and keep painting!!
At 11:30pm on August 1, 2009, Maurice Bruce Hutchinson said…
Indeed it is. The important thing is we just have to hang in there and keep doing what we love : )
At 10:59pm on August 1, 2009, Maurice Bruce Hutchinson said…
Really beautiful work, I love the colors!
At 12:53pm on June 29, 2009, Ann Simms said…
Sandi, I jiust read you comments about being offered representation at a gallery in NY. I am pretty sure I know which gallery you are referring to as I rec'd a similar "offer". I had the oppotunity to visit there this fall and was quickly disabused of any temptation I might have felt to show with them.While the gallery is in Chelsea surrounded by many excellent galleries this one was very over hung w/ a lot of very amaturish art. It was almost impossible to appreciate the merits of any individual piece because the work was presented in such a cluttered manner! The overall effect was garish and non-professional.. more like what you'd see in a tourist area like Fisherman's wharf in San Francisco.Was very glad I had decided not to have anything to do with them. That $3k fee up front is a tip off that they are playing to artists vanity. It's highly unlikely you'd recoup that. On my visit there were NO red dots and the staff certainly didn't seem invested in their artists.
At 6:17pm on May 7, 2009, Marty Coleman said…
Well, I was born in Del Mar, but moved away relatively early. I lived in LA, Santa Barbara, San Francisco and San Jose, with stops in Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts and Ohio sprinkled in there as well. Moved from San Jose in 94 for a job and ended up staying here. It isn't as bad as the reputation, but it isn't Del Mar either. I love coming back, staying in a rental house on the beach or my sister's house. Went to opening day of the track last year with my wife and daughters, what a hoot that was!
Where in Del Mar are you? My sister is in Del Mar Heights (officially San Diego).

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