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My Bio
As far back as I can remember, all I ever wanted to be was an artist. From the age of 5, if my mother wanted to keep me occupied and out of mischief, all she had to do was give me a pencil and paper, and I would draw for hours.
When I was 14 I had an accident while riding my bike, and broke my leg. It was serious enough that I had to be put in a body cast which landed me in bed for almost 8 months. During that time the Board of Ed sent me home tutors so that I wouldn't miss all of that school work and be left back. To fill my days I began drawing. One of those tutors saw what I was doing and arranged for an art tutor to visit. She loved my artwork and helped my put together a portfolio which got me accepted into the High School of Art & Design.
Fast forward to eight years ago, and the long term effects of the accident lead to chronic pain which forced me into an early retirement. I think there's a beautiful symmetry to this. Many would say that it was just a coincidence, but I believe it's the way life works.
The most common reaction people  have to my paintings is that think they're photographs. I try to go beyond the photo to create the reality as I see it in my minds eye. I love combining elements, creating a juxtaposition that makes you stop and think. As an artist, the world is mine to create. It's a way to connect and share with others, and touches a deep place in you. A way to share ideas and thoughts in a way that transcends words.

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