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24" x 28"
oil on canvas

Views: 19


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Comment by Resident Curator on June 5, 2020 at 8:41pm

Curator’s Comments:

I have thoroughly enjoyed your stylized dog portraits past and present, and so was delighted to see Oscar the Goat newly posted on the site.  While the linear cross-contour lines enjoy the same fluid wave patterns seen in some of your other animal paintings, the break in the dotted grid pattern displayed in the horns enters in visual variation.  The dots slow down the eye a bit, and allow the viewer time to take in the active and colorful surface textures. I also appreciate the shift between warm brown and cool blue graduated tonalities in the background.  The center fade to white between the hues reads as silvery reflection, which is continued into the corresponding pale tints in the goat’s forehead.  While the subject remains a domesticated animal, there is a faint air of a supernatural, or mythical creature for me, when compared to the familiar ease of the dogs and other pet companions.  Thank you for sharing these new works, which showcase your signature painting style, and offer a broader breath of human, animal and floral subjects.


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