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Comment by Resident Curator on March 5, 2023 at 9:35pm

Thank you for responding- I'm so happy to hear that my comments provided some insight. Your work is inspiring. 

Comment by Gliser Fuentes Mena on March 2, 2023 at 2:06am
Thank you very much for your analysis of my work. It is wonderful how we can discover ourselves through the criteria of a specialist. I am very happy with your comment which motivates me.
Comment by Resident Curator on February 26, 2023 at 9:45pm

Curator’s Comments:

I was happy to see this new series of portraits on the site. Your paintings entitled The Different Faces of the Ego have obvious psychological connotations, but I’m also attracted to the small compositional changes and the manner in which gesture and pattern activate the faces.  The third portrait, which looks like a different model rather than different states of the same person, is modeled with broken red and green complementary hues and shifting color blocks. The face appears fleshy but chiseled, and the woman holds our steady gaze. The fourth painting in the series appears more wrought with emotion.  The linear contour of the figure’s hand holds tension with choppy brushstrokes (or knifework) within the ochre colored arm. The circular pattern in her shirt conjures a state of agitation as the design repeats and enlarges slightly as it radiates down and away from her face.  These are intriguing studies, and appear to be more intense and directly focused versions of your earlier figural works of which I've become familiar.  Thank you for sharing them with us.

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