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The Man tied to jobs and schedules without time to cultivate and relax ends up becoming a domesticated being. just like dogs are in most homes. We must live the present from the maximum possible consciousness.

Views: 101

Portfolios: Art on paper
Location: Barcelona


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Comment by Resident Curator on June 30, 2019 at 5:01pm
Curator’s Comments:
Welcome to the site! I enjoy the unrestrained energy in the works you’ve posted so far. The fourth piece entitled Humanots is particularly engaging. The figures seem almost Cubistic in their exaggerated facial configurations and expressions. In that vein, the piece is reminiscent for me of Picasso’s Three Musicians, though arguably cultivated with a more gestural and painterly sensibility. I was happy to read the small amount of text that accompanies the painting, which contextualizes the crowded interior space. Even without the description including the dog, I could sense human figures were contemplating a four legged one. The rectangle below the animal reads as a painting within a painting- perhaps a ship sailing away. The achromatic work shares a similar dynamic in its figural abstraction, though one might interpret an even more surreal distortion of the entwined bodies. In this black and white format I appreciate the value contrast, and pay closer attention to the smaller marks which form interesting and flowing patterns. Thank you for sharing your paintings on the site. I enjoyed viewing them, and look forward to future works.

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