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Sea shell on the beach.

Views: 18

Portfolios: Nature Gallery
Location: CA


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Comment by Steven B. Wills on February 8, 2021 at 5:34pm

Thanks for reviewing my images. I enjoyed reading your reviews.

Comment by Resident Curator on February 4, 2021 at 9:40am

Curator’s Comments:  


The newly posted images entitled The shell captured my attention today. I find the close-up image particularly engaging, and enjoy the distortion/abstraction that appears to have been generated with digital manipulation. The exaggerated granular pattern of the ground echoes the pinkish hues of the shell, while providing contrast to the bluish exterior.  The positioning of the subject is also interesting.  The bivalve shape is both interrupted and repeated with the overlapping shell, while the dramatic cast shadows anchor them in space.  The previous ocean landscape, also entitled The shell, at first viewing appears more predictable, compositionally.  But the color saturation level of the sky and sand add tension to the long horizontal expanse.  I find it interesting to see the relationship between up close and distant natural subject matter repeated in your artistic practice, as in the individual flowers and sweeping landscapes.  This shell pairing offers the viewer the same dichotomy.

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