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Cyndy Carstens
  • Glendale, AZ
  • United States
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Cyndy Carstens's Friends

  • Sandy Belk Photography
  • Wm. Kelly Bailey
  • Susan Bloch
  • Taffie
  • Carol Rose Brown
  • gans
  • Alison Galvan
  • Verneda Lights
  • Ron EA Powell (REAP13)
  • Verwest
  • Coleen Ryan-Rivera
  • Christine Rossi
  • Bob Batchelor
  • Brian Statom
  • Mary M Williams

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Cyndy Carstens's Gallery

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Sean Edward Conroy liked Cyndy Carstens's photo
Apr 11, 2023
Sean Edward Conroy liked Cyndy Carstens's photo
Apr 11, 2022
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Caged Spirit

"Curator’s Comments:   Caged Sprit was posted quite a while back, but was recently featured on the site in a random selection. The subtleties of the watercolor can’t be fully appreciated in a thumbnail, so I’m glad I had the…"
Mar 27, 2022
Resident Curator liked Cyndy Carstens's photo
Mar 27, 2022

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Cyndy Carstens's Blog

Grand Opening Invitation

Posted on September 27, 2011 at 1:00pm 0 Comments

I know many of my artist friends are far away by land or sea - but I wanted to extend an invitation to you anyway to help me celebrate the opening of my new studio & gallery in Old Town Scottsdale, AZ.…


Mastermind Discussion Group - August 17th

Posted on July 28, 2009 at 2:00pm 1 Comment

I have volunteered to lead the next Mastermind August 17th at 1:00 pm Pacific Time. Last week there were only two participating artists. Several more signed up but didn't show up. In order for this to work, the Mastermind Discussion really needs at least 5 people to participate regularly. To quote Aletta, "Masterminds are successful when members commit to be there, hold themselves accountable to the group and share the work of keeping the group going." This group discussion is for all… Continue

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At 8:35pm on September 20, 2009, Susan Bloch said…
Hi Cyndy,
Thank you for your wonderful comments. I haven't been on in awhile as you can probably tell. I've been involved in remodeling in preparation for my parents
and trying to squeeze art into any spare moment. It's a beautiful time, but hard to figure out a schedule to do all these wonderful things including this.
At 2:34pm on August 8, 2009, Sandy Belk Photography said…
Hi Cindy,

Sorry I didn't reply to your post until now--My father-in-law was in the hospital most of July and I'm just catching up. . I have not idea what to do as a group leader. I'm not even sure what group. . . . Can you provide a little more information?
At 8:46pm on August 4, 2009, Brian Statom said…
It seems I can't leave a comment on your "Featured Artist" post. Soooo......I love your expressively surreal skyscapes. I hope all is well with your mother. Care giving can't be easy, but that is what we do for those we love. Best of luck with your family and your artistic ventures. Keep painting. I'm looking forward to more.
At 6:48pm on July 27, 2009, Alison Galvan said…
Hey Cyndy,

I do check in with A2A everyday for a bit so I'll keep my eyes open for more info. If need be though, my email is:
I am going out of town for fun, infact it's rather exciting. My 11 year old daughter has been at a month long summer camp at the National Ballet School of Canada and they have asked us to come out at the end of the program because they are talking of offering Phoebe a spot in their professional ballet and academic year long program! I don't know whether to be excited or freaked out! At the moment I'm opting for the excited avenue and I'll take it from there once I learn more!
As to my paintings they are 3D. I use a product called Sculptamold to create sculptural relief on wood panels and then paint them with acrylic paints. My next project that I would like to try though is to go completely 3D and make my humourous characters totally free standing, preferably life size, but I think I'll start small first to get the hang of it.
Anyway, I will definitely try to be there for the next call, looking at the calendar I may have a timing issue with my son going to a culinary camp, but will do my best.

At 3:01pm on July 26, 2009, Alison Galvan said…
Hello Cyndy,
I was told by Aletta de Wal that you are in charge of the next group phone call. I'm not sure I get how it works and unfortunately I'm away from July 30th - August 9th but if not for this one then I'd love to join in on the next. Could you let me know how I go about doing that.
Thank you so much,

PS. I've just watched a slide show of your work and I think your pieces are incredibly beautiful. I tend more to the whimsical humourous side in my creations, but I always appreciate those that can make such epic works, works that are so grand they leave me speechless. All the best, A.
At 8:45pm on July 17, 2009, Christine Rossi said…
HI Cindy, Just read your piece, very inspiring and helpful. I am in a couple of galleries but have a real hard time with juried shows.
love your work.

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