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Creative Materials

A place to share and discuss ideas, methods, questions and answers relating to artistic materials, whether they be traditional or not.

Members: 49
Latest Activity: Sep 27, 2019

Discussion Forum

Traditional Media combined with Digital, What do you call it?

Started by Linda Rzoska. Last reply by Marc VanDermeer Sep 27, 2019. 5 Replies

Question about rapidographs

Started by Andrew Schlageter. Last reply by Angelina Whittaker Cook Oct 6, 2015. 1 Reply

Quick Art i.e.- Computer/Digital Art

Started by Katharine Gilbert. Last reply by Linda Rzoska Mar 22, 2013. 22 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Sanna on April 14, 2014 at 6:09pm

Hi Everyone!

I'm Stacey, looking forward to being part of this group.

Have a wonderful day

Comment by Laura Tolley Brown on August 20, 2013 at 12:31pm
Hey Tamara! I was in St. Louis just last week. Can't say that I miss the humidity :)
Comment by Laura Tolley Brown on July 11, 2013 at 1:02pm
Hello every body! I feel lucky to have found such a talented group of artists and am enjoying looking at your work.

I am from St. Louis, Mo, but have lived in Guanajuato Mexico for the past 2 years. Being a paper mâché artist, I have found my home. I have a great appreciation for the creativity here, and have learned many new tricks of the trade, as well as teaching them some of my own. I had been working with a local government project that made paper out of invasive water plants, but our funding got cut, so now I'm looking for new funding options. In Spanish!

I appreciate and welcome any comments or questions you might have about my work.

Enjoy the day!
Comment by Donald Kennedy on February 20, 2010 at 10:59am
Dear Lynn, Welcome, to the group the weather in Homer is probably warmer than it is here in East Hampton, NY. Late winter and early Spring's weather is horrible due to the wind off the ocean the locals (Bonakers)call it raw. You seem to be a direct sculptor the photo seem to be a paper cast. Do you make your own paper or do use lintels ? I haven't made paper for the past two years I enjoy it a lot I will try it again when the weather is warmer and I can work outside. Check out my website All the best, Donald Kennedy
Comment by Michael Lownie on July 15, 2009 at 9:51pm
Jeeze, I went downtown to work on fixing where someone graffiti ("tagged") my big copper leaf heart. Even though there was barely a breeze I had trouble leafing the damaged area. It turned out fine but I just wonder how people who do leaf outdoors like on houses manage. I suppose with a lot of the gold leaf the leaf is actually stuck to the backing paper; that would help a lot. The silver leaf I use is like that, but the copper leaf I use is thinner than tissue sheets you gently lift with a brush to the surface you are working on...crazy outdoors!
Comment by Slone Fries on July 15, 2009 at 2:54pm
I just wanted to let you know a fantastic artist who uses unique materials- Julianne is being a Featured Artist this week in the group TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL. Since you are all involved in this field I would love for you to check out her feature and offer any feedback or help ideas. This is one of our first non-painting feature and I would really love to see it be successful! Our group is different from yours-both are great-I would just like to see more of a diverse type of artist being able to be Featured and receive the type of attention they deserve! They only have one week as a Feature (as some may know) unlike here where there is an ongoing monologue of help! Please give Julianne 10 minutes of your time! Thanks so much!-Sloane
Comment by Amber Palecek on June 4, 2009 at 10:43pm
Thanks Donald for telling us!! I did google it and found the website!
Comment by Donald Kennedy on June 4, 2009 at 8:36pm
June 6, 2009 is "Drawing Day" on the internet type in "Drawing Day" and several sites will open so that you can participate their trying for one million drawings. So let's make it happen. All the best Donald
Comment by Donald Kennedy on May 14, 2009 at 2:55pm
Dear Monika, Is the head of the sheep also present in the work along with the wolf's head and is it behind the sheep's head like a Janus figure or does it replace the sheep"s head? You know a wolf in sheep's clothing or vice versa? Sorry bad joke. Getting back to your problem as I see it the encaustic mixture wax, pigment thinned with turps should be mixed first. I use a small metal muffin tray that is resting on a metal stand which is in turn resting in a slightly larger flat bread tray filled with water, over a hot plate with a soup can filled with turps which is also in the water. If you are dissatisfied with the finish, heating and scraping will remove wax finish. The wolf's head can be mounted into the sheep's body with glue or wax (either bee's wax or micro crystalline wax) the use of wax interests me, because it is easily reversible or it can be adjusted, with heat. Question: are you making the sheep's body in two or more parts and gluing them together? If so make the sheep first and cut a hole for the wolf's head so it can be placed directly where you want it. I would like to see the piece when its finished or in any state. Send the photos to my inbox. All the best the project sounds like fun. It might be more shocking or even scary in a larger scale.
Comment by Monika Teal on May 14, 2009 at 2:04pm
You are a gold mine! I am working on a life sized sheep, with a wolf's head. The sheep is wire armature, then a wood pulp mixture as papier maché, and then the wool is glued individually onto the sheep form. Now the problem, the wolf's head has to integrated into the piece, but still be a shock. I have formed the head like the rest of the sheep, and then with the wood pulp, which dries hard and can be molded, cut and sanded. Now there is a layer of encaustic on it, and I rubbed pure pigment into the wax, and heated the wax again. it is polished and am waiting for details. You may respond to any of this, if you like.

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