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Oil on canvas, 60x80 cm

Views: 41


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Comment by Resident Curator on February 13, 2022 at 9:20am

Curator’s Comments:

Late Autumn Sunset appeared randomly on the site today, and so I was able to revisit this nuanced piece.  The comments posted years ago, at the time of the original posting of the painting, informed my looking. The faint warm colors in the sky do depict a sunset, but the understated hues are in tune with the generally muted color palette. The obscuring of the horizon through banded sections of gray-blue and violet mist imparts a surreal quality to the space, in which the viewer doesn’t have steady footing. While deeper atmospheric perspective is implied with the scale of the mountains, the rough white texture above aligns visually with the whites in the waterfall below.  I recognize the darker mountain in the upper right creatively grounds the composition, and provides unexpected visual weight hovering above the cloudy haze.  By  appreciating these alternating bands of texture and color, the work becomes a subtle and abstract orchestration of the natural world, rather than a realistic representation of landscape. I find it interesting when I look to other paintings you’ve posted, I see this vacillation between elusive textures and broader space.  I do hope you continue to share new pieces on the site.

Comment by Nicla Rossini on December 14, 2011 at 6:41am

thanks for the comment. In fact, the sun sets in a particular angle of the horizon and it's not compulsory to include it in the painting...Actually I rarely place it there 

Comment by William Jeffery Vance on December 14, 2011 at 1:47am

The mountains and water fall complement each other well but I fail to see the sun set in this. I can see the hint of orange but the name had me looking for a full sunset more then just a small already set sun.

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